Alessa Günther
From Empire to Europe
1 min readMay 10, 2016


Sadiq Khan — His victory in times of discussions about Brexit

Last Sunday Sadiq Khan was elected to be the next mayor of London. With his victory, he goes down into the annals of history because he is the first Muslim taking in this role. With over 57 %, he won the election against Zac Goldsmith, the candidate of the Conservatives.

In his inauguration speech, Khan said that the Londoners have voted for the hope and against the fear. In terms of the persistent debates about the referendum, his election can also be seen as a symbol of unity- not of separation. The discussions about the Brexit still splits up the country in two. While the British Chamber of Commerce is in favour of the Brexit, a lot of the British are still undecided. Therefore, Khan’s victory is, in times of the prevailing political division, more outstanding as it would be in fallow periods. His election shows in a way that, at least the Londoners, are proud of their multicultural heritage and that there is nothing to be afraid of. Keeping the latest terroristic attacks in mind, London shows that the right way is not anxiety but trust and solidarity. With voting for Khan, London turns his multiculturalism into a uniting strength. As Europe stands, among social terms, for solidarity, multiculturalism, union and the acceptance of different ethnicities, Khan’s victory maybe shows in way the willingness (not taking the political advantages and disadvantages into account) to stay in the EU.

