Isi Moyo
From Empire to Europe
2 min readMay 23, 2016


Satirical Brexit Fail: Boris Johnson Making Enemies Outside the EU and Starts Sympathizing Within the European Satire Discussion

I have to admit that I’ve been a little bit confused about the winner of the British poem competition to attain president Erdogan’s attention within the German, and kind of European, satire debate, as the winner of this lyrical kickback is called Boris Johnson.

The following lines show the poem that he submitted within the national poem contest, but more or less as a loose joke and not with the aim to win the first place.

There was a young fellow from Ankara

Who was a terrific wankerer

Till he sowed his wild oats

With the help of a goat

But he didn’t even stop to thankera.

-Boris Johnson-

So Boris Johnson wanted to share solidarity with Jan Böhmermann, a German satire comedian who has been denounced by the Turkish president because of a poem, that has almost been as insulting as Johnson’s now. And to remind you there he goes with the word ’goat’ again, how cheeky!

But as I stated in the beginning, the whole thing is a little bit confusing as Boris Johnson is one oft he leading voices within the Pro-Brexit devision and he was the one who just compared the European Union with Hitler and the raising of a total state last week. So what is he aiming for now with that step to start sympathizing within the inner European freedom of expression and freedom oft he arts debate. Because with the handing in of these lines and the participation in that lyrical contest, which aim it has always been to revenge Erdogan’s strict suppression of any medial issues against him and take several journalists from all over Europe to court, Boris Johnson made friends within the EU and enemies outside the EU. This strategy is actually exactly the opposite of what he is trying to achieve in his past political era with his inappropriate statements and shady goals. I know this poem is not a turn within the Brexit policy or Johnson’s convictions, but I find it impressive to see how the whole satire and freedom of expression debate is letting the still connected European Union, including GB, move together in a unlikely but apparent way.


