Suez Crisis – summarized in 20 points

Tine Kolb
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJul 6, 2016

The Suez crisis was an international conflict which culminated in the fall of 1956 in a military intervention of an alliance of Britain, France and Israel in Egypt. Here the whole conflict summarized in 20 points:

  1. Suez Canal = ship canal, linking the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, making it the shortest shipping route between Europe and Asia.
  2. The Suez Canal was very important for Britain’s oil supply.
  3. Originally, French & Egyptian shares, later acquisition of Egyptian shares by GB.
  4. State founding of Israel
  5. Egypt denied ships to and from Israel for most of the passage.
  6. Overthrow of Egyptian King Farouk I. by General Naguib and Nasser General, Nasser declares himself president.
  7. He nationalized the Suez Canal in order to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam can.
  8. Directly involved parties: Egypt (nationalizes the Suez Canal and sole control hold), Israel, England and France (the main shareholder of the Suez Canal, make the Suez Canal accessible again), USA (wants no supremacy of the Soviet Union in the Middle East), Soviet Union (want the Suez Canal available for themselves, UN forces (secure transit, new relations with NATO socialize).

9. March 1956: Egypt alliance with Syria and Jordan.

10. July 1956: Nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egypt.

11. August 1956: Nasser deflects invitation to London Conference. He says: „The nationalization would not affect the contracts concluded in 1888" (UK and France have a different view).

12. September 1956: Nasser rejects invitation to the second London Conference.

13. October 1956: Israel meets collusion with France and GB.

14. Israeli troops landing on the Suez Canal, conquer in 8 days 16 km of the Suez Canal, war makes the Suez Canal impassable.

15. France and GB curb Israeli troops to justify the legality of the use.

16. Russia is threatening to drop an atomic bomb on London, threat is not taken seriously.

17. Results: Suez Canal is again passable for ships of all nations.

18. GB and France losing its supremacy in the world.

19. Russian satellite states in the Middle East felt justified in their anti-Western-Israeli stance.

20. The costs incurred by the war are so high that several Aswan dams could be built from the money.

