The last Blog entry!

Christopher Husse
From Empire to Europe
2 min readJul 13, 2016

We had the luck that there was such an important referendum, which will change the course of Britain in the future. Therefore, it was really interesting to get important information on that referendum, as well as the opinions from the other students were interesting for me.

However, I still think that the seminar has too much subtopics. From Empire to Europe covers so much that I had the feeling that we only scratched on the surface of each subtopic. It was good for an oversight of a part on the history of Britain, but there was too less time to have a detailed view on each topic like the Suez crises. Since there was a lot of reading and the post, I had barely time to researcher on my own deeper on these topics. I think the blog posts had the purpose to study on our own more in each topic, but most of the time I focused on the writing than actually read more about the topic. When I was reading something, I always kept in mind “Oh, can I use that for the blog entry?” and when it did not fit to my topic, I forgot in an instance. Even though this information might be interesting.

Furthermore, sometimes it was hard to find a topic, which was really interesting and which was new for the other. Therefore, I am really undecided if it was a really good method to keep everybody on track or if I should see it as an employment-creation measure. I think, I can conclude that those entries which were about a topic that was interesting for me were good once and the others were kind of annoying and time consuming. Sometimes these entries were so short, that you only got a glimpse of what the authors wanted to say. Therefore, I would think it would be better to have less blog posts but instead two or three longer ones. Nevertheless, I think that the seminar was quite good and that we used the time we had in a concentrated and effective way. Even if my last post sounds a little bit negative, I learned a lot. Thank you for that.

