UK Overwhelmed by Immigrants

Lukas Bennemann
From Empire to Europe
2 min readMay 24, 2016

The UK and especially England are facing dramatic issues regarding the overall population numbers and their citizens. According to Migrationwatch, England is currently supposedly twice as crowded as Germany and 3.5 times as much as France which are highly significant numbers. I wonder whether this is really then case when looking at the overall distribution all over the country or if this is mainly London. Also I wonder how it would look like when they would distribute the refugees and people all over the UK instead of keeping them in England. In a way this surely is partly their own fault as the UK government is in dispute with Scotland these days and the seats are not fairly divided amongst politicians. So while London and England want to show their power and how much they can deal with the immigration issue, there really is nothing to be proud of.

So while people from the EU may enter freely into the UK, refugees from other countries normally may not enter as easily. However, if they have lived 5–6 years in an EU country, they may enter. What is uncertain yet is how this would change if the UK leaves the EU. Also many people are afraid that immigrants may cause higher taxes and more expenses for themselves via the state this is not the case. Accoording to the BBC “ immigrants from the 10 countries that joined the EU in 2004 had contributed more to the UK than they took out in benefits”, which I think is a really good sign.

Yet the question remains how London is going to deal with the ongoing immigration crisis and what is going to change in case the Brexit takes place.

