Violence seems to be the answer…

From Empire to Europe
1 min readJun 17, 2016

Jo Cox, M.P. of the Labour Party, against the Brexit, was shot and stabbed in her West Yorkshire constituency. She did not survive the attack. EU referendum campaigning has been suspended out of respect.

Lately* people seem to think that spreading fear is a justifiable and good way to get what they want. Spreading fear is the new dabbing (“ Sticking your face into your elbow while holding out a straight arm. This motion is supposed to “assert your bitch ass swag over everyone else.”” — urban dictionary).

Why is it that people do not see that menacing, spreading fear and killing are not going to get them anywhere but in prison and/or loathed?

Sure — the guy (edit: Tommy Mair) who attacked Cox is now famous; but should you not reconsider what you are supporting, if you have to resort to such means?

I feel sorry for those who cannot.

My sympathies are with the victims.

At least, some rethink: today, on the news, there were former pro-brexit voters that changed their oppinion and now want to vote against the leaving of the EU; against spreading fear; against an orientation (here: (mostly) political; in other contexts: xenophobic, homophobic, religious) that gets its votes by the same kind of people like Tommy Mair; against a senseless act of violence.

*I am aware of the crusades etc. but I think that in these days this should not be “needed”, if it ever was…

