Alena Heringhaus
From Empire to Europe
2 min readMay 1, 2016


World War II — a drop in the bucket to the collapse of the British Empire?

Britain’s declaration of war on Germany on September 3rd 1933 was the beginning of the end of the British Empire. Britain lost its stand as one of the world’s superpowers during World War II. India’s entry to the war was followed by its partition from Britain and therefore its independence as soon as the war was over, promised to India by Britain. This promise was given out of necessity because Britain needed India’s help during the war. India’s independence made Britain lose its most valuable colony and let it weaken Britain’s power even further. After India’s partition from Britain in 1947, Britain still hoped for India to stay part of their imperial defence system. India’s successful struggle for independence had the country become a role model for other countries as well. With Ghana Britain lost one other of its most valuable colonies in 1957. Many other countries on the African continent followed in the following decades.

After the war Britain was becoming weaker and weaker and the United States and the Soviet Union grew to be the strongest powers in the world. British leaders wanted Britain to maintain its status as the third most powerful nation. The link to the Commonwealth was used to help defend Britain’s status.

With the course of World War II, Britain lost its standing as one of the countries with the most imperial power. Even though Britain emerged victoriously from the war, the negative effects the war caused on the Empire were greater and at this point the fall of the Empire could not be impeded anymore. Finally, I am of the opinion that World War II was the initial catalyst of the collapse of the British Empire. Most of the events followed would not have happened in conditions as bad as they did. But at the same time one should not forget Gandhi’s peaceful revolts started as early as 1915 which had a huge impact on the unfolding decolonization.


