Dear New Runner

Jennifer Roe
From Fat to Finish Line
4 min readJul 23, 2020

Early in 2012, I wrote a version of this post for my personal blog. It’s ironic that I reference Katie Foster’s blog and a special post she did about Carly York. This was before the From Fat to Finish Line Ragnar team was formed and the film made. I had no idea then that we would eventually become friends and cross an epic finish line together.

Congratulations on your decision to go on this new running journey. Lace up your sneakers and create your playlist because you’re in for an exciting and challenging road ahead.

As a former running-hating newbie I feel your excitement, apprehension and maybe even your pain. No matter what you are feeling right now let’s just start by saying, you got this.


It’s hard at first. You start your run and you’re out of breath, your heart might be pounding harder than it ever has, your face might flush bright red and you’re questioning your sanity for starting this journey but that’s why you rock. It is hard but you’re doing it anyway. Others talk about it but you’re doing it. This already makes you a winner. You might have to walk/run, keep your distance short or take it slow. You might have to experiment with running on a treadmill, track or outside. Please concentrate on not over-doing it in the early days. The worst thing you can do is injure yourself or burn yourself out. When in doubt, it couldn’t hurt to ‘under-do’ it even. It’s better you come back from a five minute run feeling energized, accomplished and excited to do it again than do a 25 minute run feeling miserable and defeated. Also, SLOW DOWN! You shouldn’t be worried about any kind of speed right now. If you are huffing and puffing, slow down as much as you can and walk when you have to.


Go sign up for a race. Seriously. Don’t let it freak you out. Pick a 5K for 3 months from now (sooner or later based on your fitness level) plunk down your money and sign up. Right now. Go. I will still be here. Don’t think about it — just do it. Or sign up for a year-long challenge like this one from Run the Edge. You don’t have to go the challenge alone, you can do it in teams of 3, 4 or 5. You can find others to sign up with in our community group.


As a beginner, you might feel a little soreness. I did. A little soreness (especially if you’re carrying excess weight) isn’t unusual. Follow the R.I.C.E method to soothe tired muscles, but when in doubt, have a doctor check you out. In fact, before starting your running journey you should be consulting your physician.


You should go to a running store like Road Runner Sports as soon as you can and get proper running shoes. Please believe me that this is not the place to cheap out. I tried to run in inexpensive sneakers bought off the rack at a shoe place and learned very quickly that this was a BAD IDEA. If you don’t live near a running store — you can learn how to figure out a good running sneaker for you.


Please don’t compare yourself to other runners. I started by running at a 4.0 on the treadmill and would be surrounded by others flying at unfathomable speeds. This is your training. It will be your race and it’s your journey. You’ll always be slower than someone else and right now you are faster than the guy on the couch on his second bag of Doritos!


Running can support your weight loss journey but running does not give you a license to eat. Focus on fueling yourself with healthy foods, don’t over-do extra calories or you won’t see a loss if that’s what you are looking for.


The running community is AWESOME. Support is EVERYWHERE. Go online and look for running bloggers, follow runners on twitter and join our running group on our website. Connect, ask questions and join the club. My favorite place is our From Fat to Finish Line facebook group.

You are a real runner! Whether it takes you 15 minutes or 6 minutes to run a mile you are a runner. Don’t weight to get out there! You don’t have to weigh less to get going. Do it now. Runs For Cookies ran a very inspirational guest post from Carly York a From Fat to Finish Line teammate who started at 349 pounds. Derek Mitchell also started running 5Ks at 570 pounds and went on to run more than 22 races in 2015! The only limits that people have are the ones they put on themselves. You are a rockstar. Believe it.

Finally, you might not love it today. You might not love it tomorrow but someday you’re going to wake up and crave running. Your life will be changed. You will find fitness, confidence, and passion. You will understand what ‘runners high’ is all about, You will find out that you can go further than you thought. You will learn that you’re tougher than you ever gave yourself credit for. Your world of “I cant’s” will change to “I cans.” You will think to yourself, “If I can do this, I can do anything.”



Jennifer Roe
From Fat to Finish Line

Producer and co-star of the documentary feature “From Fat to Finish Line,” after a long career in entertainment, Jennifer is now a certified life coach.