The Power of Girls: Building America’s STEM Trailblazers

#GHC19 Session Featured Session

Alicia aka AM Morgan
From GHC With Love!
2 min readOct 2, 2019


Chapin Theater

Sylvia Acevedo is an American engineer, businesswoman, and executive. She is Chief Executive Officer of the Girl Scouts of the USA.

Sylvia started the session telling the audience that her introduction lists all of her accomplishments and it is important to know she had humble beginnings. Growing up poor doesn’t mean you can’t become a rocket scientist or engineer by listening to her inspiring story.

Girl Scouts is helping to build America’s future STEM Trailblazers with confidence through their membership tracks.

Girl Scouts are more likely to become digital readers. Troops take advantage of learning Cybersecurity through partnerships with companies like Raytheon.

Sylvia provided insight on how critical creating scalable solutions are. Funders want to know that their investments will produce quantifiable results. You get from a no to a yes from a funder through patience and resilience by creating achievable steps.

The Key Session Takeaways:

  • Never leave side of a sale until you hear no three times
  • Ask yourself, “how do you get to yes with small achievable steps?”
  • Create scalable results

