#OnlineToOffline: How LBB Got People Walking Into Fabindia, Across India

Nikita Thapar
From LBB
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2019

Takeaway: How to scale and customise experience marketing to your product proposition.

Client: Fabindia

Brief: Deliver on in-store footfall and full attendance in the age bracket of 25 to 45yrs who have the spending power for artisanal products.

Platform: LBB (LBB.IN & LBB.IN/App)

Unit: O2O (online to offline) & LBB community connect

Fabindia and LBB both promote ‘going local’, and over the past 2.5 years, we’ve created campaigns for Fabindia that a. establish their brand proposition as one that celebrates and integrates Indian craft, b. deliver on recurring, predictable footfall and in-store engagement across India. By the end of the next financial year, we’re aiming to hit 100+ 020 experiences, at 100% capacity & a registration to walk-in ratio of 2:1 for Fabindia!

This particular set of in-store activations was done for Fabindia’s new initiative- Experience Centres. Not like the previous Fabindia stores, these centres basically house everything under the sun — straight from apparel, home decor, wellness products, a cafe, a home design studio to a playroom for the little ones and more. And we’ve worked with their incredible marketing team to pack these up.

Test The Waters: Our Initial 020 For Fabindia

With the client brief as specific as driving footfall and in-store engagement, we devised a slightly less orthodox route of using workshops as a way to create registrations, walk-ins and predictable footfall.

On LBB, one the highest conversion and engagement category is workshops/hobbies- simple, quick ways for people to learn a skill- or just put down their phone for an hour or two.

Given the strength of LBB’s community and database of local entrepreneurs and businesses, we started this association by working with city-specific micro-influencers to deliver on in-store ‘masterclasses’- think beauty workshops, styling workshops etc. The purpose was to create an in-store experience that elevates ‘shopping’- wherein users got to interact with some of the best influencers and experts (in case of skincare) across India, and went home with solutions for all their wardrobe/wellness woes.

Making A Store An Experience

Post these two successful experiences- where the micro-influencer, expert, registrations, footfall was all delivered by LBB- we took an artistic turn and worked with our database of local entrepreneurs to create artistic experiences at Fabindia. Here, we gave our users a chance to create masterpieces of their own.

The very first ‘artistic’ 020 for Fabindia on LBB was a Shibori workshop- where we delivered on 100% attendance, a +200% on registrations and leads, and most importantly, an afternoon that got rave reviews from participants. After another round of workshops in Hyderabad (Zentangle), Bangalore (Doodling) and Chennai (Decoupage), there was predictability and certainty of delivering on footfall, registrations and in-store customer engagement.

Icing On The Cake? LBB & Fabindia’s Got Fans Everywhere

We tapped into Chandigarh (a city where we’re yet to launch in), and the excitement was unprecedented. We delivered on a ‘Fluid Acrylic Art Workshop’ with a local artist from the city, and delivered on 100% attendance by a relevant and engaged audience for Fabindia.

Key Takeaways:

Our biggest learning on working on Fabindia’s account is:

A. Own your brand story and message: In the age of ADD and clutter, it’s vital for brands- no matter how young or established- to own and reiterate their message. By aligning Fabindia with ‘craft’ as a category, we’ve created a recurring expectation from our consumers for experiences at Fabindia.

B. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat: Recurrence is key. And by having a frequency of in-store experiences at Fabindia, we’ve enabled customers from Delhi to Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Pune and more to EXPECT to do ‘something artsy and fun’ at Fabindia stores at least once a month. This builds recall and- the mother of all motivations- FOMO (fear of missing out).

C. Power Of Localised Community Marketing: Every city is different, and localisation of experiences is paramount. We see this at LBB every day- and it was awesome to have a client like Fabindia which understood the importance of localisation. Through our community of local businesses, and historical data points on what drives higher conversion in which locations, we were able to offer experience partners to Fabindia across India, and also given targeted suggestions on what to do in which market.

Of course, the cherry on the cake is performance of our campaigns for Fabindia. Millennials are more likely to pay for experiences than products- but by bringing the right experience to the right store, we’ve seen ways in which product consumption can become an experience itself.

As Karan Kumar, Chief Brand & Marketing Officer at Fabindia said “The association with LBB to host an influencer-led experiential engagement with consumers at our stores is indeed a successful one. We enjoyed working with the LBB team — a passionate set of people who delivered what they committed. Look forward to many more similar engagements.”

We’re here to help you reach + engage with India’s young customers! Connect with us on vivek@lbb.in and sadiya@lbb.in.

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