The Insanely Simple Reason Why Your Therapy Isn’t Working

For a real change, you need 2 x 20 + 1 minutes every day

Maria Milojković, MA
From Maria with Love


You need more than just talk for real self-growth | Image by the author
For true self-growth, you need more than just talk | Image by the author

If you’re feeling stuck, cognitive behavioral therapy may not do the trick. After a few months of counseling, you could even think there’s something fundamentally wrong with you. Yes, you get what the therapist’s saying but then again you’re still moody and fighting too many negative thoughts. You’re definitely broken.

But that’s far from the truth.

To get to a better life, you work on feeling safe and fulfilled. Here are three ideas that can help you rediscover a healthier you.

1. To understand things isn’t enough

To understand things isn’t enough if you want to heal or improve yourself psychologically
You express your thoughts and feelings, and the therapist knits a nice explanatory sweater out of them. But then what? | Image by the author

Sure, you need to know the root cause of your problem — why you find it hard to be happy and peaceful.

When a therapist helps you see it, you also see yourself in a new way. Your childhood used to look quite normal but now you can see the powerless kid trying to get love and comfort the best way it could. No wonder you developed some harmful patterns along the way.



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