This Is When You’ll Start to Love Yourself

To be whole

Maria Milojković, MA
From Maria with Love


Self-love: This is when you’ll start to love yourself
Image by the author

Lately, I’ve been talking to my uterus and ovaries. I appreciate that they’ve given me two healthy children and then healed from a high-risk pregnancy and the Cesarean that didn’t end well. Also, I’ve been caressing my belly fat and telling my thyroid gland that I love her.

I started this weird practice to become calmer: If I decrease my level of cortisol, maybe I can also decrease the dose of my medication. Trauma hides in your body and changing only your thoughts often isn’t enough. You need to feel physically safe.

But the little ritual turned into true kindness toward myself, the one I’ve never had. And it’s helped me change.

The kind of change you need to make

I deserve kindness because it makes me feel where I want to be: peaceful and content, aware that I’m doing the best that I can. I don’t need to prove my worth with any achievement. It’s OK if I just exist.

For the first time in my life, I see beauty when I look at myself in the mirror and smile, despite all the lines, pores, and imperfections. And also for the first time, I appreciate my body’s resilience and strength because it’s been through a lot.



Maria Milojković, MA
From Maria with Love

Serbian translator | Life is unpredictable but rewarding. Create, it will save you | For more articles, follow From Maria with Love 👉