This Is When You’ll Stop Fixing Yourself and Live Better

Life never stops changing

Maria Milojković, MA
From Maria with Love


You don’t need to become the best version of yourself
You don’t need to become the best version of yourself to feel good about yourself | Image by the author

Life is an uncertain ride without a clear road map but we still want comfort. And we don’t want to wait for it too long.

So we decide to earn money quicker and finally have the life we dream of. To speed up the process, we resort to productivity hacks — do more in less time. A quote or two by Marcus Aurelius can help us grit and grind until we get settled.

But with this kind of thinking, we overlook a key factor: Life will keep changing and every once in a while you’ll have a new problem/challenge, no matter how settled you are. Time for new anxiety. Also, because you’re impatient, you may go beyond your limits and burn out.

There’s no use in resisting new obstacles — nothing will stop because of your resistance. So better adapt.

Adaptation doesn’t mean you have to implement everything you read in self-help. The “best version of yourself” won’t make your life easier, it will only optimize you to be more efficient. All those tips you follow may make you burn out again. Lastly, you may end up too “perfect” for others and look down on their weaknesses. As a result of this, you’ll feel lonely.

But you’ll never be perfect.

“The ‘best version of…



Maria Milojković, MA
From Maria with Love

Serbian translator | Life is unpredictable but rewarding. Create, it will save you | For more articles, follow From Maria with Love 👉