Let it go

Tarwin Stroh-Spijer
From Me, To You
Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2017


Letting go is the hardest thing you will ever have to do. In death. In separation. In disconnection from things you know.

“If you love something let it go”

This is not a mantra. But a knowing that at some point you will have to let everything that you have loved go. Even if this is from one's own death.

And to know that these things will be OK without you.

That life continues when you close your eyes. When you turn off your phone. When you are away. When you no longer exist. When all humanity is gone.

“If you love something, you must be willing to let it go”

At some point the existence of existence itself you will let go of. The universe will cease to have meaning in itself. No space for gods or beings or even the basis of energy.

Pure nothing of nothingness. Darker and deeper than any loss. So small infinity would stretch across it for longer than than existence.

Forever. For never.

And even if there again will be something to love, someone to give and take, there will be no before. And no after.

Only now.

