
From My Broken Heart to Yours
2 min readJul 29, 2023

A poem about the nature of what causes pain, heartache and suffering.

Messy sketch of person silently screaming.
Sketch by Amandine, 2023

Hell is where your thought of hell is.

Hell is in indecision.

Hell is in thoughtlessness.

Hell is in derision.

Hell is in supremacy.

Hell is in oppression.

Hell is in separation.

Hell is in regression.

Hell is in the hard line.

Hell is in the hard heart.

Hell is in the cold truth.

Hell is just the start.

Hell is in the silent torment,

In a world that is coming undone.

Hell is in the inner war,

And sometimes in the home.

Hell is in the sideways look.

Hell is in the cold hard stare.

Hell is in everything that is hard to take,

It is in everything that is hard to bear.

Hell is in the silence and secret,

Hell is everywhere.

Hell is the unquestioned lie,

And giving in to bullies.

Hell is not knowing what to do.

Hell is feeling foolish.

Hell is seeing nothing change,

No matter how hard you try.

Hell is in the heartache

Of crying when your eyes are dry.

Hell is when no one is listening.

Hell is not being heard.

Hell is fighting so long and hard

You no longer know what you are fighting,

You know longer know who you are fighting,

You know longer know why you are fighting,

You are just fighting,

Yourself, everyone, everything, all the time.

Hell is being triumphant,

At the expense of someone else’s pain.

Hell is hurting so badly

You don’t know if you will ever be right again.

Hell is taking the short road

And finding the longer road was faster.

Hell is putting everything into people

And finding that it is all blasted.

Hell is growing old

With nothing you can do.

Hell is having to navigate life

Without a bloody clue.

Hell is all life’s deaf and blind bonds

And not knowing what you’ll find.

Like Joy is in the detail,

Hell is in the big stuff,

Too big and too tough to handle.

Hell is no smooth and too much rough.

Hell is the heavy mantle.

Hell is in the crushing weight

Of duty’s prickly burden.

Hell is being trapped

With nowhere at all to turn.

Hell is in the racing mind

That cannot find it’s rest.

Hell is not being enough

Even when you are being your best.

Hell is being forced to pick a side

When neither choice is good.

Hell is being the only one

Holding back the flood.

Hell is walking blind through life

And looking for a sign.

Hell is love that’s hard to find.

Hell is in the mind.



From My Broken Heart to Yours

Artist, art historian, and all-round deep thinker. I know the world is better when we are kind to one another. It is the one thing we all have the power to do.