The General Election: your action checklist

Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2017

In our recent series of blog posts, we went into the details of why, how, where and when to vote.

If that’s too much detail, here’s a handy checklist for making sure you’ve got the basics under control.

Before May 22

Register to vote, or check that you are already registered.

Before May 23

Before May 31

Before June 8

  • Find out who’s standing in your area

Input your postcode on

  • Find out more about them

Read the party manifestos on the parties’ websites, including the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, UKIP and the Green Party.

If you prefer an easy-read version of the manifestos, check Every Vote Counts.

Also check candidates’ own websites, social media, and (if they’ve been an MP before) TheyWorkForYou.

  • Make sure you know where your polling station is: it’s written on your polling card, or you can use

On June 8

  • VOTE! And make sure all your friends and family do, too.

After June 9

  • Hold your MP to account

You have an MP again! Don’t forget to make sure they’re doing a good job on your behalf.

Use WriteToThem to send them an email, and TheyWorkForYou where you can check how they vote and sign up to receive emails when they speak.




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