Gamification in Individual Talent Development with Talbit

Keeping people and organizations skilled
2 min readApr 11, 2019

You may have heard the word gamification but what does it mean? Gamification is defined as the application of typical elements of game playing (for example: point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity — in the context of software it is usually used to increase engagement with a product or service.

Gamification is one of those buzzwords that is used these days extensively to market many different software ranging from consumer apps all the way to B2B SaaS software. We believe that the area of individual talent development is one of those where gamification is not just an added feature, but can actually bring concrete benefits and create motivation for the individual to reach his/her goals and dreams.

With Talbit we want to enable, for the first time, the gamification of your entire career and individual development. In the past, individual success may have been difficult to measure — you may have earned for example certificates, awards and other recognition, but how to actually measure the constant day-to-day development, progression and goal completion? What if, for example, you are an individual whose work is highly technical and focused on the “back-end” of the business without any external recognition? Now, with Talbit, everyone’s contribution and progress are recorded. Each small step of development is recognized and awarded with talbits — the internal points or a form of “currency” inside Talbit.

In addition to earning talbits, you also earn various achievements when using Talbit software. These achievements can be shared with your peers and colleagues to enable healthy competition within the organization. Healthy competition has an impact on the motivation of the individual — you want to succeed when you are competing. The competition can be also towards a common goal for the organization — for example if an organization reaches a certain amount of talbits/points everyone gets rewarded with a perk.

We want everyone to feel accomplished and motivated when working towards their goals and developing into talents. That is why we are bringing gamification features to Talbit.

Aleksi Meldo
Head of Product & Design

Talbit is a cloud-based service designed to capture and visualize employee development plans and goals. It builds motivation and helps individuals to reach their goals and develop into talents. For organisations it enables a way to create a better employee experience.



Keeping people and organizations skilled

Talbit visualizes your current and future skills, career pathways and skill gaps and helps close them systematically.