Less is More — in personal growth and development planning as well.

Keeping people and organizations skilled
3 min readNov 29, 2019

“Type type type type type type type….” until your fingers are numb — a comment from a Team leader prepping for his yearly performance appraisal -discussions and filling in the performance documents for each and every subordinate in his team. There were 10 of them.

How many of those 10 were able to put all the typed text into full use and utilize it to its max when reaching set targets and altering behaviours to support growth and creating customer value?

What if most of the manager-level typing ended? What if your subordinate was the one responsible for most of the typing when it comes to his/her development planning?

The concept of Less is More is something that has and can be applied to many areas in life; whether it’s clothing, interior design, hair products, information on slides or building a software. For us, living in the region called Scandinavia, the concept is all over the place; the way we dress, the way we build, the way we speak. We believe Less is More.

But what about taking it to the level of personal growth and development planning? How common is the concept in the area of HR?

In all the 20 some performance reviews I have sat, the amount of text that has been produced for the required documents could create a pretty long novel. And yet, the map and guidance to areas where I could develop, was quite thin, almost non-existent.

That is why I wanted to do things differently when creating Talbit.

  1. The employees would be the ones using it the most and
  2. It would be based in the Less is More concept, simplifying things to make them more adaptable.

The Less is More -rule is applied to the setting of Company and Team level objectives to which the employee then links his/her own Goals. Feedback is collected in a beautiful, yet simple way, asking simply “where did I succeed and where could I succeed better” to name a few areas.

And guess what: we have succeeded.

The comments we have received are:“easy to use”, “simple and beautiful”, “wow, I don’t have to write so much”, “I can participate in taking the company strategy forward”, etc.

To get things accomplished doesn’t always have to mean a lot of work. Make it and keep it simple. Less is More.

Kaisa Savola
Founder & CEO of Talbit

Help your people excel and grow.

Talbit is a visual goal setting and progress planning tool for companies seeking growth through the development of employees.

Use it to help your employees develop their skills and perform better autonomously, aligned with company strategy and objectives.

Boost your team’s motivation by making teamwork transparent and with ongoing feedback. Follow the progress from Talbit dashboard.

Read more about Talbit at: www.talbit.fi



Keeping people and organizations skilled

Talbit visualizes your current and future skills, career pathways and skill gaps and helps close them systematically.