Talbit — A tool for boosting employee experience

Keeping people and organizations skilled
2 min readFeb 25, 2019
Everyone has the right for purposeful work and a fulfilling career.

The private and the public sector are increasingly focusing on the development of employee experience, and they should be. Employees are the company’s most important asset. The better the employee understands his / her own role and work in the company’s strategy and existence, the more work overall creates meaning. Meaningful work creates commitment and motivation, and these, in turn, boost employee well-being and satisfaction.

How can this be achieved and how can it be maintained? What are the ways to detect the actual situation, employee experience and well-being? It is no longer enough to ask your employees once a year how they are feeling or to meet with them once a year to set the goals for the following year.

According to our extensive research, employees are asking for a more personalized development plan, a better understanding of the company’s vision and direction, and more feedback on their own activities. They want to know where they succeed and where they could be even better.

Talbit enables the development of employee satisfaction and experience and creates a more meaningful working atmosphere by bringing talent development to the individual level.

Talbit — A unique tool for individual talent management and leadership concentrates on:

  • reviewing the employee’s strategic skillset
  • his / her intrinsic motivation, dreams, aspirations
  • and the company’s strategy/vision

combines these three and creates a unique development path for the individual. When the development path is built correctly, with the individual in the center and actively followed, it increases motivation, commitment, and brings meaning to work. And with these activities, a better employee experience is created.

We believe that with Talbit, employees’ experience will improve and will create a positive snowball effect that will result in satisfied and committed talents.

Kaisa Savola
Founder & CEO of Talbit



Keeping people and organizations skilled

Talbit visualizes your current and future skills, career pathways and skill gaps and helps close them systematically.