EDA in the Cloud, 5G SoC Emulation, and AI Chip Design: The Synopsys August Blog Roundup

By: Editorial Team

We’re looking back on some of our top blogs of the month of August. As the effects of Moore’s law begin to diminish, chip designers are getting creative by consistently developing innovative solutions to aid in the advancement of artificial intelligence, 5G, and much more.

Dive deeper into our thought leaders’ valuable insights about improving the semiconductor industry through all steps of the process, from initial design concept to final application execution.

1. What Is a Multi-Die Design — and What’s Driving Its Growing Popularity?

In this blog, Sr. Staff Product Marketing Manager Manuel Mota and Product Marketing Director Kenneth Larsen dive into the multitude of challenges chipmakers face when implementing multi-die chip design. Ultimately, applying co-design principles from a holistic chip, package, and IP perspective, multi-die chip design provides a light at the end of the tunnel for a semiconductor industry suffocated by increasing workload demand and time-to-market constraints.

2. Will Autonomous Chip Design Take Your Job Away?

Senior Director Mike Gianfagna sets the scene for a fully automated world and delves into the concern around technology advancement leading to job displacement throughout history; artificial intelligence is simply the shiny new industry toy. Utilizing autonomous driving as a case study, Mike asserts that AI in chip design won’t have a long-lasting negative impact on jobs, but rather, will lead to boundless opportunities for innovation for those willing to learn new skills.

3. 4 Key Considerations When Evaluating EDA in the Cloud

Striving to combat large computational demands along with the pressure for shorter design verification cycles, the EDA industry has started to look to the cloud for increased performance, functionality, and low-power consumption. Vice President of AI & Central Engineering Arun Venkatachar explores the key factors chip designers will have to weigh when implementing EDA in the cloud and describes an improved process that is faster, more flexible, and at a lower overall cost.

4. Turning mm Waves into a Netflix Movie: 5G SoC Emulation

According to Vice President of Engineering Susheel Tadikonda, 5G deserves all the buzz it has received. With a more connected world, it was inevitable that the need for more operating bandwidth as well as secure and faster communication would drive 5G’s global deployment. But the beneficial explosion of 5G doesn’t live in a vacuum; chip designers will carry the burden of ensuring that the world can remain in constant communication, uninterrupted through effective verification solutions.

5. Shift Left for BOTH Software AND Hardware Development with Virtual Prototyping

A popular term in the semiconductor space, what is “shift left,” exactly? Principal R&D Engineer Tim Kogel describes it as an acceleration of software development and, more recently, hardware development. With virtual prototyping for software already being widely acknowledged, Synopsys offers prototyping solutions for hardware such as the Zebu EP1 Emulator and HAPS 100 FPGA, both of which provide more productive debug and verification in a hybrid environment.

To view full length versions of these articles along with other solutions-based pieces, visit our From Silicon to Software Blog.



Synopsys for Chip Design, Verification, IP Integration & Software Security

Synopsys technology is at the forefront of Smart Everything with the world’s most advanced technologies for chip design, verification, IP integration, and more.