Some Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Matt Lo
From Silicon to Stories: Matt’s Moments
3 min readJun 7, 2022
Photo by Vlad on Adobe Stock

Do you participate in regular exercise? How does it make you feel? Does it help you feel better and make it easier when dealing with difficulties in your daily life?

I am in the habit of weight training and exercising at home, especially during these last two years because of COVID. With this article, I’d like to share some benefits of regular exercise, which can help improve your life.

Fitness At Home

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There are so many excuses to skip the exercise courses when participating in the gym, from my personal experience. For instance, there is not enough time, the weather is rainy, there are other essential things (obviously they are excuses again), always feel tired, worry about COVID, to name a few.

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To keep the strength training at home, I have bought some small and cheap equipment so that it’s easy to maintain routine home-based exercise instead of going to the gym.

Benefits Of Regular Exercise

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There are 3 major benefits that we can get through regular exercise.

Burning More Calories, Eat Better

Exercise can help decrease the weight, so you don’t need to worry about overeating. You can burn more calories and safely increase your caloric intake (some food you like to eat). You can eat like ordinary people during the weight loss process.

Good Quality Of Sleep

More solid sleep can increase your strength and endurance.

Feel Good

Exercise can make you feel happy. Exercise is a mood booster because it increases endorphins. During exercise, the body naturally generates multiple hormones, especially endorphins which can help improve mood and concentration. “Exercise can improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. Additionally, exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which can help produce positive feelings and reduce pain perception.“

Key Takeaway

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Regular exercise can help improve your health. Your family can enjoy the benefits of burning more calories, good sleep, and feeling good. Also, I would highly recommend executing a routine at home with your family. If so, you can make the balance between the family and exercise.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

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Have a nice day. :)



Matt Lo
From Silicon to Stories: Matt’s Moments

Program Manager with MBA, PMP, NPDP & MCTS-MS Project in Semicondutor Industry