This is Specifically for You to Read.

About Your Connection to God. Seriously.

From Spirit
2 min readAug 10, 2022


Photo by Chris Nguyen on Unsplash

It’s not about finding. Honestly, its not even about the path. It’s the seeking. We’re not always going to be confident. We won’t always be sure. And that’s okay.

Meditating, connecting through ceremony, prayer, in drum circles or gardening. . . . however you connect to your sense of the Source of all, Great Spirit, God, the Universe. . . is perfect for you. And also the guidance and answers we receive aren’t always as perfect as we imagine.

It’s okay to receive mixed messages. It’s okay to start a project because you were guided to it, but never finish that project because you’re guided somewhere else and never guided back. It’s okay to be so very clear on your purpose one day and feel completely lost the following week.

You heard the message so clearly that something would happen and then it doesn’t happen. It’s okay to be disappointed. It’s okay to feel betrayed and analyze the situation until it makes sense again. And it’s okay to let it go.

Faith isn’t perfect. Faith is human. That’s why it’s hard to have it all the time. And in those moments of doubt and struggle, we grow stronger when our faith returns. We yell and scream in resistance to build our faith muscle and we walk away from it all because the break enables the space to remove the blocks that we aren’t able to acknowledge in faith. Doubt serves faith, just as harmony serves the melody. One without the other doesn’t give us the depth we need to keep seeking.

Also, someone needs to go for a swim. I see you surrounded by water, at peace.



From Spirit

Intuitive, multi-dimensional medium, teacher, hypnotherapist, energy worker, dancer, highly sensitive person. I write about all that.