Dear Boomers, Here’s Why Millennials Actually Can’t Afford Houses

It has nothing to do with avocado toast, fancy coffee, or living below your means

Stela G.
From Stela


1 in 3 Millennials will never own a house — Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Dear Boomers (and yes I know — #notallboomers),

Yeah, I’m talking to you. The self-righteous boomer who just left an angry comment on social media reprimanding young people for buying fancy coffee rather than saving for a house.

You are the center of this story. Enjoy it! I know you like butting in uninvited and giving unsolicited advice. For once, this is actually all about you.

So listen.

Where I live, house prices have risen by 10% over the last year. Guess what hasn’t kept up with house prices?

Local wages.

They have been stagnating since 2008, struggling to keep up with inflation and forcing us to spend more of our income on essentials than ever before.

“Welcome to the 21st century where living below your means is a privilege, not a badge of honor.”

I’m lucky. My partner is lucky. Between us, we have an above-average household income, no children, and no real debt. That’s made things slightly easier for us. We actually have a…



Stela G.
From Stela

Freelance writer, former journalist, international law graduate, first-gen immigrant based in Yorkshire