Unseen Depths: The ‘Titan’ Disaster and its Impact on Titanic’s Unresolved History

From the CEO
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2023

Before we delve into the mysteries that surround the depths of our history, it is paramount that we first honor the lives lost in the recent tragedy. The inexplicable implosion of the submarine Titan during its expedition to the Titanic’s wreckage has left us with a profound sense of loss.

Our hearts are heavy with the weight of this tragedy. The brave souls aboard the Titan embarked on a journey of discovery and knowledge, seeking to uncover the mysteries of the past, and paid the ultimate price. Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who were aboard the submarine.

This event reminds us of the immense risks that explorers, researchers, and scientists take in their relentless pursuit of truth. Their dedication and courage are a beacon of inspiration for us all. As we delve into the intricacies of the incident and its possible links to the past, we hope to honor their memory by shining a light on the truths they sought.

May their spirit of exploration and thirst for knowledge guide us as we attempt to understand the complex narrative woven by the twin tragedies of the Titan and the Titanic.

Information Age

In an era defined by the democratization of information, holding secrets within the shadowy confines of time becomes increasingly challenging. Every individual today carries a mobile device, acting as an emissary of free information exchange, an extension of our collective knowledge. As a result, certain events — once easy to suppress — become more challenging to hide. One such event is the recent incident of a submarine imploding under mysterious circumstances during an exploration of the RMS Titanic.

The Titanic and the Federal Reserve Conspiracy:

Historically, the Titanic’s sinking has been marred by speculation and conspiracy theories. One of the most persistent among these alleges that the ship was intentionally sunk due to the presence of prominent individuals on board who opposed the establishment of the Federal Reserve. While this theory has seen varying degrees of public acceptance, it contributes to a cloud of suspicion that continues to surround the Titanic’s ill-fated voyage.

The Submarine Implosion:

The recent submarine incident, a bizarre and tragic event in itself, has added a fresh layer of intrigue to the Titanic’s narrative. A vessel designed to withstand immense pressures, capable of descending to extraordinary depths, inexplicably imploded while attempting to visit the Titanic. The incident not only echoes the chilling tragedy of the Titanic but also raises questions about its intended purpose. Could it be that there was something left to discover within the Titanic’s wreckage — something that powerful entities would rather remain concealed?

The Role of the Financial System:

In the information age, an alarming trend has emerged: as more data becomes available, we find ourselves uncovering further tragedies linked, directly or indirectly, to our existing financial system. The Titanic’s supposed link to the Federal Reserve is a prime example. It’s worth asking: if this theory is substantiated, what other unturned stones may we find littered along the historical path of our global economy? What other disasters have been obfuscated under the convenient blanket of “accident” or “misfortune”?

The Emerging Truth:

In this digital era, it is becoming harder for those in power to hide the truth. The evolution of the internet, social media, and the gradual democratization of information mean that, increasingly, we have access to knowledge that once might have been hidden or obscured. Each new revelation underscores the importance of transparency and accountability, particularly when it comes to systems — like the financial sector — that significantly influence our world.


The submarine implosion incident, although tragic, serves as a stark reminder of our relentless pursuit for truth. As we continue to probe the depths of our past, we may unearth startling realities that shatter long-held beliefs. But it is only through this process that we can hope to learn, adapt, and create a future that is free from the ghosts of unaddressed tragedies.

Our voyage through the sea of information may be fraught with challenges, but each wave we crest brings us closer to a destination of greater understanding. And it is in this journey that we find the promise of a more informed, empowered, and responsible future.



From the CEO

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