40 More Competitions Every Student Needs to Know About 🔭 ✍️ 🎼 🎥
We’ve covered a number of competitions thus far, contest in areas like photography, poetry, humanities and history, vocal talent, contests for students with disabilities, and much, much more.
Now, there are more opportunities than ever before to benefit from your wide range of skills and talents. Check out the list below:
STEAM Awards
Regeneron Science Talent Search: this is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious math and science competition. Each scholar receives a $2,000 award with an additional $2,000 going to their respective school. Finalists compete in Washington, D.C.
Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology: the nation’s premier science research contest invites high school students to explore their scientific interests in individual or team projects, fostering intensive research and improving understanding of the value of scientific study. Scholarship prizes range from $1,000 to $100,000.
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair: this is the world’s largest international, pre-college science competition and asks high school students to showcase their independent research to compete for $4 million in prizes.