Can You Have Eyes Like Superman?

Erikka Innes
From the Desk of the Nerd Legion
14 min readDec 22, 2020


StockSnap, Pixabay

Greetings Nerd Legion! Welcome back to Everything is Possible. Where we take something from your favorite stories and find out how feasible it is in the real world.

Superman is famous for his incredible vision, which consists of x-ray, heat, telescopic, and microscopic vision as well as (ready?) infrared vision for seeing in the dark, and the ability to see into the electromagnetic spectrum. It’s kind of a lot for one set of eyes, but that’s why he’s Superman. However, it’s been awhile since Superman’s vision was dreamed up by writer Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. There have been some advances in technology. Prompting me to wonder ‘is Superman’s vision possible?’ Is there technology out there that could gift someone with this incredible set of eyeball abilities? Let’s find out.

X-Ray vision

I’ll start with the x-ray vision. We should begin with a good definition of what it is, and for that I turn to the Superman Wiki. The Superman Wiki states:

“X-Ray Vision is a term that describes the ability to see through solid objects. Kryptonians, Daxamites and Martians are among those who possess this sense. The method by which this is possible is unclear. In most cases, the…



Erikka Innes
From the Desk of the Nerd Legion

Developer Advocate, Writer, Comedian, and Commander of the Nerd Legion