The Old Guard:

Marijuana Movie Reviews with Cory Showtime

Cory Showtime
From the Desk of the Nerd Legion
2 min readMay 22, 2021


(sigh)…goddammit Hollywood

Ok, so this is not a good movie, its not a terrible movie; its an action movie. And if you just look at it as purely an action movie, its not bad. But its not good either. Its just…well directed?

Elevator Pitch: Its 6 Underground, except these special forces people can’t die…until the can. Charlize Theron’s character is older than fucking gunpowder…literally. And we’re supposed to believe this chick and her band of near-immortal merry men were fighting in the CRUSADES???

If you’d like to know more, I don’t blame you. Kinda sounds like a new shot at Highlander. But don’t get your hopes up. There’s little to know exposition, they show a few flashbacks to help give you an idea of the past but the whole movie is a clusterfuck. It starts in the middle and it ends out in left field.

There are some pluses. The action is well choreographed and bloody, the special effects are decent for a Netflix film, and the concept has potential. But the acting is weak, the plot barely exists and overall I’d rather have my 2hrs back. They’re trying to setup for a sequel too but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.

Actually, what am I saying? Netflix will throw money at anything. I mean, did you see the Platform??? If you haven’t, don’t.

THE VERDICT: This is 50% Chronic on the Bammer Scale. This movie is an ounce of shake. Don’t even smoke it. Make butter and bake some edibles instead.



Cory Showtime
From the Desk of the Nerd Legion

Comedian, actor, writer, gamer, lover, fighter, foodie, and all-around handsome fella.