Aphorisms Matter
Every life has a story
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2022
- An aphorism is a condensed form of writing in which one can find the theme of a novel, the lesson of an age, or a pithy diversion.
- No aphorism is complete without context, but one may feel free to bring their own.
- The cheapest way to sedate someone is to give them false hope.
- People more distrust that which confuses them than that which threatens them.
- The weak are less capable of holding power un-wielded.
- Democratic principles are the canary in the coal-mine of human rights.
- The most dangerous line of reasoning is that things couldn’t get worse.
- The legal code can be manipulated to most any end desirable, it takes integrity to follow the just.
- The only accepted conventions of entrepreneurship are for fundraising, there are no formulas.
- Entrepreneurs are (eventually) worth more to an economy than any dozen white collars.
- Even though the stakes of entrepreneurial success are high, in the worst case one can fall back on employability from the experience.
- When you’re trying to build a rocket ship, the wisdom of “if someone invites you on a rocket ship don’t ask which seat” is less applicable.
- No one builds a rocket ship on their first try.
- Rocket ship failure modes are not pretty.
- Rocket ships in orbit are beyond beautiful.
- The currency of time can be invested in a diversified or concentrated portfolio just like any other.
- Stocks outperform bonds over the long term.
- Investors do not abandon their portfolios, they can only be taken by the market.
- Illiquid securities are the hardest to regulate or audit.
- Writers do not write for today’s audience.
- A bigger audience is only better as it is more likely to reach the target audience.
- The target audience is the one whose life is changed.
- Everyone goes to church, many just don’t know what they are worshiping.
- The hymnal of the gospel of the profane is a language that should be spoken quietly when outdoors.
- The jokes you laugh at say more about you than the ones you tell.
- Small talk is any conversation that is only about one subject.
- The target audience was you.
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