Cultivating Small Desires Leads to What You Truly Want

Awesome Life
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2017

Let’s be real. To have an awesome life is to live a life without fear.

You can have “good” days and “bad” days but the more fear you hold, the more “bad” days you’ll have.

You see, fear is nothing more than baggage.

It weighs you down unnecessarily. Most people fight the fear but by fighting it, you remain constantly mired.

No. The only way to conquer fear is to surrender to it. To accept it. It’s being okay with it’s presence that you grow to overcome it. You show that you’re not scared of the fear and when you do that, the fear leaves.

What’s the best way to go about plucking your fears like weeds one by one and releasing a lot of that baggage?

Figuring out what you want and never give up going after it.

How do you figure out what you want?

You start with the small desires and work on those until they grow into wants. Then you keep tending to those wants and they become cravings until you become unstoppable. Knowing what you want is all about cultivating your likes until they become needs.

What that means is that if you want to release a book, even though it’s a small desire, start writing. If you want to be an influencer on social media, then create an account and begin interacting with people in your niche. Start small and grow those wants into something greater. Don’t quit either. You will want to. It’s worth repeating that you will WANT to quit but don’t. Every time you come out on the other side without quitting, you cultivate more strength and resolve in completing the mission.

Once you begin doing these small things that challenge the current identity you hold for yourself, you will chip away at all the things you thought you wanted.

In other words, if you thought you wanted to stream video games on Twitch but find out you like writing more, then you cut out the video games until you reach your goals for writing.

I challenge you to cultivate a small desire. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, video editing, content creation… anything. Get started. Don’t stop. Don’t quit. Do a little bit each day and uncover your true desires hidden underneath all that fear.

Leave a comment with what you’ve been working on or what you anticipate starting on.

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