Incredible India: A UX Design Project

Debaditya Sekhar Jena
From The Future
Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2024

Incredible India is a conceptual redesign of the country's tourism website focused on improving its appeal to foreign tourists arriving in India. The visual language used in this project reflects Incredible India’s core values of transparency, quality, and clarity.

While creating the design, the focus was on improving the visual hierarchy and rethinking the information architecture to represent user needs better and overcome the prejudice that state-owned websites have poor user experience.

Tools Used:

  • Figma
  • Miro
Current Incredible India Website


Project Goals

  • Establish Incredible India as a one-stop destination for information about Tourism in India for Foreign Tourist Arrivals.
  • Position Indian brand image to communicate the idea of Atithi Devo Bhava (Guest is God).
  • Promote curated experiences and itineraries to increase the number of foreign tourists from Europe, the Americas, and Southeast Asia to India.
  • Establish Incredible India as a viable revenue source for foreign exchange earnings.
  • Increase the visibility of local businesses to tourists.
  • Establish India as a viable tourist destination for foreign travellers.

Tourism Websites: The need for redesign

Due to intense travel demand in a post-pandemic world, tourism website design is more important now than ever before. More travellers and tourists rely on digital platforms for travel inspiration. Due to changing information consumption behaviours like shortening attention spans, trip planning needs to be more personalised, flexible, and modular to appeal to many potential travellers to India.

Why Tourism?

  1. Stimulates GDP Growth: Worth USD 7.6 trillion dollars, the travel and tourism sector accounts for more than 10% of global GDP, representing 7% of all international trade and 30% of the world’s services exports.
  2. Increases International Trade: Worth USD 1.4 trillion in export earnings, tourism is the third world’s largest global export.
  3. Boosts International Investment: Tourism and hospitality is now the second fastest-growing foreign direct investment (FDI) industry.
  4. Drives Infrastructure Development: Tourism sector development often improves basic infrastructure, such as airports, roads, water supply, energy, and medical services.
  5. Supports Low-Income Economies: In 2015, the world’s 48 lower-income and lower-middle-income countries received 29 million international tourist arrivals (nearly a threefold increase in a decade) and earned USD 21 billion from international tourism.
  6. Creates Jobs Efficiently: Travel and tourism is the second largest job generator, supporting 292 million jobs, or one in ten jobs, in 2016.
  7. Strengthens Rural Communities: Rural tourism supports economic diversification and creates jobs for rural youth and ethnic minorities.
  8. Revitalises Urban Areas: As urban populations surge globally, many cities pursue tourism-based urban regeneration for its potential to create jobs, improve infrastructure, and attract investments.
  9. Benefits Women: Women make up 60 to 70% of tourism-industry workers, and tourism is one of the few sectors where female labour participation is already above parity in some regions.
  10. Bolsters Artisans: Artisans benefit from selling their crafts to tourists, which opens them up to the global market.
  11. Facilitates Conservation: Nature-based tourism is in high demand, increasing the value placed on unspoiled nature and wildlife and generating conservation funds.
  12. Protects Cultural Sites: Visitor spending on entrance tickets, guides, and souvenirs contributes to the capital needed to protect important cultural sites.
  13. Cultivates Intercultural Understanding: Tourism promotes peace, security, and intercultural understanding by allowing visitors to meet diverse people and experience other cultures.

Competitive Analysis


  1. Rethink information presentation and delivery on the website to make it more accessible to travellers.
  2. Personalise travel decisions by focusing on experiences and emotions of travelling.
  3. Reduce visual clutter with unnecessary graphics without compromising the use of visuals representing the brand of India.
  4. Reduce the number of clicks and steps to retrieve information from the site.


Wire Framing

Iconography & Colour Palette


Component Library

Final Results

