Actually Good Advice I Got From the Pick Up Artist Community

Dave Gutteridge
From the Gutt
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2022


A couple sitting at a table on some kind of date maybe. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

A girl I want to meet… I should say “woman,” not “girl,” because I’m in my forties and she’s in her thirties, but somehow when I feel an attraction, it’s “girl”… Maybe because it’s built into the word “girlfriend”…?

Anyway, she postpones a date. Not the first time or the last time. She doesn’t blow off dates so consistently that it makes me want to break off all contact. She just does it now and again, to the degree that I’m left feeling like I don’t really understand how she sees the relationship.

She thinks differently enough that even though she answers whatever question I ask, I still don’t feel like I really know how she feels about me, or us, or anything. How can humans think so differently that even when they explain what they think as clearly as they can, you finish the conversation wanting to ask all the same questions over again?

It’s fine, I tell myself, because I shouldn’t rely on anyone else for my happiness. She’s not doing anything to me, she’s just living her life in the way she thinks it should be lived, and it’s my choice what to do with her outputs when they happen to be on my path. Being upset about being denied those moments of companionship when we were planning to be together doesn’t reveal any criminal neglect on her part to take care of my needs. It just reveals that…



Dave Gutteridge
From the Gutt

I don't post often because I think about what I write. Topics include ethics, relationships, and philosophy.