A primer on how to grow your talents into financial independence.

Photo by Author

Complete in spite of its brevity, The Power of Talent will be appreciated by readers of all classes. Clocking an average reading time of less than one hour, this succinct book typifies the aphorism that some things in this life have more to them than meets the eye. In The Power of Talent, Praise George explained how you can use your talents to steer you towards financial freedom. Come to think of it, of what use are your endowments and gifts if, in spite of all your abilities, you still can’t make ends meet?


Well, we all know what that means but how many of us have profited from our innate God given abilities? In this book, the author opines that there are two kinds of people, those who are intelligently using and profiting from their talents and those who don’t. As I read this book, I asked myself, β€œTo which class do you belong, Chris?” Going forward, and no matter your level you will definitely fare better finding an answer to that question at a personal level if you have not already done so. In these fast-paced times, the future will always come earlier than you expected. An honest self-feedback answer is the key to being financially secure when the long put-off future finally knocks at your doorsteps.

Taking us through an understanding of what talent is, the author drew from his own experiences and from some other successful people. He showed how you can discover and develop your talent through training and passionate hard-work. All throughout, his emphasis was relentlessly on not only working hard but also on smartly focussing and implementing ways to enhance and sell your skills in profitable money earning ventures. How do we do this?


There, you have it. It is the ability to package and sell your skills that make all the difference between you either struggling financially (in spite of your abilities and potentials) and making a success in life in spite of all the negative odds life throws at you.

You will find the chapter titled, β€œCurse of The Multi-Talented”. Summarized in my own words as follows, if you are a Jack of all abilities that never discover or focus on the most promising of your talents, you will go through your whole life struggling financially in spite of your natural gifts and potentials.

Talent and Integrity
No matter how talented you are, without integrity and good character, you will eventually be brought down. The business world is replete with seemingly unassailable leaders who were undone by their character-flaws. We all need to hear and heed the warning in the quest for the top and financial independence. The end doesn't ever justify the means.

The last chapter of the book explained how you can further enhance and grow your talents with the help of mentors. In my own opinion, this chapter was not properly developed. It is my hope that this illustrious and prolific writer will shed more light on this aspect in one of his future titles.

Altogether, this book packs a weighty punch in spite of its brevity. Putting to practice, the lessons taught will further help to bring financial liberation to all who put the lessons to use in these hard times.

Originally published on Akinlade.net

Praise George is a friend and a mentor. I read and wrote this review before I had the opportunity to meet him two years ago.

Title: Talent Power – How To Leverage Your Talent To Become More Financially Rewarding For You.
Author: Β© Praise George
Publisher: Success World Book, 2009

