Five Key Learnings From the Book “Tuesdays With Morrie”

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From the Library
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2024
Photo by Alberto Sharif Ali Soleiman on Unsplash

I chanced upon the book “Tuesdays with Morrie” recently, and I am so glad I did.

It gave me a perspective I hadn’t had till now — about the truth of life that no one tells you.

The memoir is based on Mitch Albom’s regular Tuesday meetings with his former college sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz, who was terminally ill with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

Through their meetings, Mitch rediscovers the wisdom and life lessons that Morrie imparts.

Here are five key learnings from the book:

1️. Relationships and love are fundamental to a fulfilling life.

Meaningful connections don’t just happen; they require time and effort.

And the effort is worth it because they culminate into memories that make life beautiful.

Achievements, wealth, and materialism will come and go. The relationships you nurture will stay for life.

2️. Live life as if it is your last day.

We think we have time with our loved ones and to do the things we’ve always wanted to.

Morrie said, “Everyone knows they’re going to die, but nobody believes it.”

Don’t wait to live the life you dream of. Don’t let it stay a dream. The right time is now.

3️. Don’t chase the wrong things.

What are you living for? Is it money? Fame? Or is it a means to an end, like taking care of your family?

Find the meaning of your life and pursue that. That is a life well-lived.

4️. Forgive not only others but also yourself.

Forgive yourself for all the things you didn’t do. All the things you should have done.

Regret is natural, but holding on to it will affect your future. Free yourself from the emotional burden.

5️. Your legacy does not die.

You will be remembered for the way you helped people. The way you made them feel. The community you contributed to.

“All the love you created is still there.”



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From the Library

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