I’ve Been Reading “The Daily Stoic” Everyday For 4 Years

Here’s What Changed In My Life

Destiny S. Harris
From the Library


Photo by Ashes Sitoula on Unsplash


I came across “The Daily Stoic” by chance. The book was on the Chief Technology Officer’s desk at one of the tech companies I worked for at the time. For some reason, the book stuck out to me; a year after I left the company, I still remembered the book's title and got it. Serendipity worked in my favor because this book has transformed my life. As I reflect, noticing that book on the CTO’s desk was the best thing that happened to me at that job.

I Take Fewer Things Personally

One takeaway — that will be drilled into your being — from this book is not to take things personally. Taking things personally is one of the least productive things you can do with your time, energy, and thoughts. The book dives in on this subject constantly — like a drill that never ends — and I think this is the case because so many of us let our emotions get in the way of living a productive life.

How many of you still recall an interaction or something someone said to you, and you still get a rise from it?

I shrug a lot of things off these days. It takes more to get a reaction out of me. I even find it difficult to tell if someone is insulting me. Looking…

