Marina Tsvetaeva. The poetess of absolute love

Anna Ferrari
From the Library
Published in
10 min readMar 10, 2024


The cover of Viktoria Schwarz’s biografy of Marina Cvetaeva

Woman’s Day

This article is my celebration of Woman’s Day. I invite you to go to my Facebook account to read the dedication. The Best To All Women!

The love that moves the Sun and the other stars

I turn to Dante to get as close as possible to a definition of “love”: heat, light, energy, and movement are the elements that characterize the feeling that keeps the universe and us human beings alive. On the other hand, in nomen omen, as the Roman said: the name Tsvetaeva contains the root cvet, which means light, heat, or flower. It happens that if you experience deep love, you see beyond the visible and understand the truth. John Keats, the romantic poet, also says it: to see beauty, we must cancel our “self” and become one with what we observe (this philosophy of his is called negative capability).

For some people, poets, and artists, it is a normal condition to be able to see the essence within the form. They become incorporeal in creation, to remove any barrier between themselves and the creative spirit, and thus infiltrate the interstices between the different worlds of perception.

Marina Tsvetaeva states that poets are incorporeal; they merge with the universe, they are flexible; they are nothing; they are everything:



Anna Ferrari
From the Library

She is a writer and teacher. Visit her blog at about literature, books, women’s worlds.