Submit to From the Library

Please join me in celebrating books, writing & writers

Laura Manipura
From the Library


Pixabay: Vinsky2002


From the Library celebrates books and writers. I publish articles and poems about writing, authors, books, and other literary topics. I am also inviting book reviews, reading lists, and literary analysis.

Request to Contribute

To be added as a new writer, please request in a comment below. Tag @lauramanipura to get my attention, then link me to your user handle using the @ sign.

Tag Your Drafts

Please tag your drafts.


  1. Click the three dots next to the notification bell.
  2. Click add to publication.
  3. Click the empty circle next to the publication title.
  4. Click Select and Continue
  5. Click Submit. Do not worry, you will have a chance to preview first.
  6. Check your title, subtitle, image, and tags. To respond to a prompt, use the tag, “Writing Prompts.” All other submissions should be tagged “From the Library.” The other four tags are open for you to use as you choose. If you want to be a top author, use either the books tag or the writing tag, as relevant.
  7. Click Submit to Publication.



Laura Manipura
From the Library

Writing from the heart. Poetess, book-lover, mistress of organization.