Uyghurs and Genocide by the Chinese Communist Party

Debora Sebastian
From Up on the Mountain
4 min readAug 15, 2021

Dear Friends,

There is a genocide happening right now. We talk about the Nazis and wonder how the Germans could possibly let that happen. In a hundred years, people will look back and wonder how we were allowed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to destroy the Uyghur people.

The Uyghurs (pronounced whee-ger) are a predominately Muslim ethnic minority living in the Xinjiang Province (western China). They speak a Turkic language; so they, at least linguistically, more closely related to Turkish people than to the Han Chinese. They are one of the ethnic minorities officially recognized by China. The region of Xinjiang Province is 90% Uyghur, but the CCP has been encouraging Han migrations to the region. In the process Uyghurs have been forced into the status of second-class citizens and worse.

Regardless of their officially recognized status, the CCP is systematically destroying their culture, killing their elders, and sterilizing their young people.

A migrant Uyghur cotton picker in 2016. Photo credit: Patrick Wack here.

Definition of Genocide

According to the 1948 Genocide Convention, genocide consists of any of the following:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c ) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Only one of these conditions needs to be met for activity to qualify as a genocide. The People’s Republic of China is committing all five against the Uyghurs. They are being killed, and — if not killed — they are policed even in their own homes.

Genocide of the Uyghurs

In brief:

The CCP has rapidly been expanding “re-education” camps in the Xinjiang province since 2017. What I say next, I am saying deliberately and without exaggeration: All the evidence indicates that these camps rival — if not surpass — the Nazi concentration camps designed for the destruction of the Jews.

(a) Satellite images of the camps show that there are already crematoriums in operation. To make these necessary, the number of deaths must be staggering.

(b) Xinjiang Province is 90% Uyghur and has some of the strictest policing practices in all of China. Besides collecting facial, retinal, and gait recognition data, Uyghur families are subject to having CCP approved Han “family members” who come live in their homes on a monthly basis. These “family members” are tasked with finding reasons to send the Uyghurs to the camps. Reasons include the possession of a Koran or Muslim prayer mat. They all regularly sexually abuse Uyghur women while living in their homes.

(c ) The mass incarceration of Uyghur peoples, especially their elders and intelligentsia, is enough to fulfill this criteria.

(d) Uyghur women inside and outside of the camps are being subjected to forced sterilizations, IUD placements, and abortions. Moreover, most of the young to middle age men are incarcerated. This by itself has caused a massive drop in the Uyghur birth rate.

(e) Any excuse to remove Uyghur children from their parents is taken. If parents are caught teaching Uyghur traditions to their children, the children can be taken and placed with a CCP approved family or orphanage. When children are made orphans because their parents are taken to the camps, they can also be placed in orphanages.

Women waiting to ID and a body check to get into the local bazaar in 2019. Photo credit: Patrick Wack here.

The atrocities committed during the Holocaust are well enough known that I do not need to describe in any further detail the modernized version used in China to commit murder, rape, sterilization, cremation, torture, abduction, enslavement, and so on. Suffice it to say, that the brutality has only gotten worse because now the world has the technology necessary to invade the most intimate details of a person’s life.

What Can We Do?

Friends, I realize that as individuals there is very little we can do to stop this. For this to stop, the governments of the world will have to stand together against the Chinese Communist Party. Before they will do this, the people of every nation will have to be brave and prepared to withstand the consequences of opposing one of the superpowers of the world.

So, Friends, please practice bravery in your every day life. Practice bravery, spread the word, and think twice before buying Chinese products. Consider also boycotting the 2022 Beijing Olympics and companies that work in/with China (I and my family are going to cancel our subscription to Disney+).

Uyghur men praying in 2016. Their mosque has been destroyed since then. Photo credit: Patrick Wack here.

If you believe in God, please pray for the Uyghurs and an end to communism throughout the world. Pray, fast, and be brave!

In pacem,

Debora Sebastian.

P.S. The most thorough source of information used in this post was from the Newsline Institute for Strategy and Policy’s Report (link). The pdf can be found here; it is a difficult read, Friends, so beware before you start. Pictures were copied from this article.



Debora Sebastian
From Up on the Mountain

I am a young adult who loves to read, write, and think about interesting things. Life is a story, and mine is an adventure. Come adventure with me!