Fatima Arif
From Where I Stand
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2019


Flamingo Patterns

In a world where humans are constantly shrinking their boundaries, some of Almighty’s creations are able to call a stretch spanning from Siberia to South Asia, home!

Fish eye view of the Uchali lake.
Spot the ducks bobbing around.

The migratory birds arrive in Pakistan, covering an approximate distance of 4,500 kilometres via Migratory Bird Route Number 4, commonly known as the Indus Flyover. This famous route allows the birds to escape from Siberia’s extreme winters and travel over the Karakorum, Hindu Kush and Suleiman Ranges along the Indus River to warmer delta areas. What these winged guests consider warmer weather, was turning the visiting homo-sapiens pink and blue with cold.

The pink line from the boat.
The flamingos’ assembly.
The formation

From November to March annually, the lakes are a sights due to the visiting birds. This important wintering ground hosts a wide range of birds including the common coot, common sand piper, great cormorant, common teal, mallard, northern pintail, gadwall and common black-headed gull. A number of globally threatened and near-threatened species including the white-headed duck, ferruginous duck and common pochard also make their way here.

The spotlight however, is taken by the greater flamingos and they made it worth the our while. You first start to notice a white line from the distance and if they choose to flap around in their standing formation, a pinkish element becomes visible.

Flamingo comes from the latin word for flame. The greater flamingo is the most widespread and largest species of the flamingo family. They are highly nomadic birds usually seen in large flocks and their presence depends on suitable water conditions.

Once the motor of the boat was shut off after a specific distance to ensure that the birds are not disturbed by the excessive noise, the flamingos put up a show that no picture or video can justify. It is one of its kind experience. Their flight formations were a total show off act.

Pattern formation
Speeding through.
The flamingos dance.
Purple haze
Merging of the blue elements.
A blip above the waves.
All shades of blueish grey.

Uchali lake is part of the triple complex in the Soon Valley, Punjab. This complex consists of the Uchali, Khabeki and Jhalar lakes (Uchali being the biggest lake of the three, covering an area of 950 hectares). The triple complex was declared a Ramsar Site, a wetland of global importance in 1996, giving it the status of a wildlife sanctuary.

Next time you are looking for a day trip, the Soon valley has a lot to offer.

Colour palate and the outlines.
The enchanting view.
Sun set from the boat

A clip from an old trip!


Copyrights of all pictures, Fatima Arif.



Fatima Arif
From Where I Stand

Marketer turned digital media jedi | Storyteller | Development sector | Former lead writer My Voice Unheard