So young, so big. So proud of it!

Francesca Zacchia
From Yonder
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2019


It has only been a few months since the gang of rowdy sumo wrestlers landed on the Nintendo Switch! It has been a blast to see how many of you showed them (and us) so much love!

Now it’s time for us to give back some love.

We feel so satisfied because the game is selling quite well: we made it into the “hottest game of the last two weeks” chart on the e-shop, where the game stayed for the whole 2 weeks after its release, right next to huge titles like Pokemon: Let’s Go and Civilization.

The critiques have been good, highlighting the party and funny nature of the game and some really cool youtubers recorded videos enjoying the game, reaching a total of about 150k views.

We are so proud that our game has been the game-to-go for a lot of people that wanted to have a good time with their families during the winter holidays!

We also feel so grateful, knowing that Circle of Sumo has entertained groups of friends in crazy game nights, creating funny and epic memories.

But the best thing overall is knowing that we have been able to let you guys smile and have fun together! It pays our efforts 10, 100, 1000 times back.

