This Week in Numbers: 16th — 22nd February

Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2018

Firstly, sorry for the lack of updates the last couple of weeks. Life got in the way — you know how it is. Anyway, back with a bang, here are the latest numbers.

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From Zero to Grow

Medium publication (Follow us!)

Followers: 24
Visitors: 37
Articles Viewed: 54
Minutes Read: 64


Our ‘under validation’ app (Sign up for updates!)

Number of subscribers: 25
Subscribers added this week: 0 :(


Our office musical Slack app (Play some sick tunes!)

New users this week: 6
Number of users: 603
Number of active weekly users: 110
Highest number of daily active users: 57
Total actions: 9,150

What have we been up to?


Twitter followers: 214

It happens sometimes. Life gets in the way and it’s not possible to spend as much time on the things we want to do such as working on this publication. The important thing is not to let it beat you, so starting with this article, we’re going to push back on with our aim of posting at least one article per week.

I tweeted a hot tip 🔥 this week. Basically, I couldn’t get something working and was banging my head against a brick wall. 30 minutes later, I figured out my stupid mistake, and out of pure disgust at my own ineptitude, I posted a code snippet and a slightly tongue-in-cheek message.

To my surprise, this tweet had far more engagement than my usual tweets (still only a measly 7 likes, but we all have to start somewhere). As such, I plan to try and post tweets like this on a more regular basis.


These last few weeks have been a life lesson in productivity. Work has taken over, almost drowned a few times but managed to gasp for enough air to get back on top.

Here I am.

It inspired me to write a blog post I am going to smash out this weekend. Hopefully the lessons I’ve learned will inspire you as well!

🔥 Want to share your story? 🔥

Comment below or email us, we’re ready for you!



Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow

Founder and CTO of @ubisend. Creator of @getjukebot. Father and Husband. Big sport and technology enthusiast.