This Week in Numbers: 5th — 11th January

Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2018

Firstly, sorry for the hiatus on the week in numbers feature. We took a short sabbatical over the holidays!

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From Zero to Grow

Medium publication (Follow us!)

Followers: 14
Visitors: 29
Articles Viewed: 56
Minutes Read: 30


Our ‘under validation’ app (Sign up for updates!)

Number of subscribers: 19
Subscribers added this week: 7


Our office musical Slack app (Play some sick tunes!)

New users this week: 26 (spookily the same as our last review)
Number of users: 497
Number of active weekly users: 100
Highest number of daily active users: 47
Total actions: 4,214

What have we been up to?


Twitter followers: 205

I’m still tentatively trying to grow my Twitter followers with like-minded folks. Twitter can become a bit of a time drain, but I’m trying to interactive with people on a daily basis. I should really turn this into a more formal experiment.

A couple of bugs to fix on Jukebot this week. It seems Premium and Family accounts behave slightly differently on the API which has caused some unexpected results.

I also got one of my technical articles, published in freeCodeCamp and circulated in the Laravel News newsletter which has, so far, generated 1.5k viewers and a whole bunch of claps (194 to date and my highest yet) and followers. Interestingly, this article has my lowest read ratio, but has generated far and my highest number of fans.


Fringe times

It’s been an odd one. You always feel like you’re going to have lots of time to do stuff during Christmas break. Then bam! Family time.

I’ve been focusing on getting back into the groove after the break. This sort of break always brings traffic down, it’s a bit of a climb to get back to where we were early December.

I also published an article about side hustles on my personal blog. Pleasantly surprised to see the feedback I got when I shared it around. Inbound featured it on their newsletter earlier this week, felt great :)

So, so pleased to see our mailing list grow. Joe has been doing a tremendous job posting to publications that seem to confirm our target audience. It’s my turn now to stir up the marketing industry, see if anyone is interested in what we’re trying to put out there!



Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow

Founder and CTO of @ubisend. Creator of @getjukebot. Father and Husband. Big sport and technology enthusiast.