ZTG001 — Grow Traffic from Medium

Alex Debecker
From Zero to Grow
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2017

Welcome to the very first From Zero to Grow published experiment!

We’re really excited to start sharing the stuff we are working on. If you don’t know what you are stepping into, please read our introduction post.

Important: for this very first experiment, I am going to share something I worked on a few weeks ago. In the spirit of Zero to Grow (ZTG), I will first share the experiment card and add the results of the experiment in a week or so. Hit the follow button to keep up!

The experiment card below follows our Zero to Grow experiment design template. Read this to understand it fully (and grab the template!).

Experiment name

ZTG001 — Grow Traffic from Medium


Test Medium as a scalable and replicable source of traffic through republishing.

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I predict that I will add 500 new visits to my website in 60 days from Medium by republishing 15 articles.

Experiment Design

  1. Pick 15 top performing articles from my site that have been published for at least 15 days.
  2. Create a Medium publishing calendar over 40 days, one article every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  3. Create an UTM tagging rule to allow me to track the experiment result through Google Analytics.
  4. Add the UTM tag to each link on every republished article.
  5. Add an alert on Basecamp for 40th day, to check the data and report on the experiment.
  6. Follow the republishing calendar.

Resource Estimation and Probability

This experiment was reported on 15th Dec 2017. Read the full report.



Alex Debecker
From Zero to Grow

2x founder, 2x acquired. Interested in products, SaaS, and entrepreneurship. Write on alexdebecker.substack.com.