ZTG002 — Increase Mailing List Subscribers (Reported)

Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow


Experiment name

ZTG002 — Increase Mailing List Subscribers


Increase the number of subscribers to our mailing list by embedding a signup form in all of our articles.


I predict that I will add 20 new email addresses to the mailing list in 30 days.

Experiment Design

  1. Create an account with Upscribe.
  2. Generate a new form with a clear call to action.
  3. Decide on the best location of the form within articles.
  4. Add the form to all pages of the publication.

Resource Estimation and Probability

Experiment results

So… as you can see, the experiment didn’t really go to plan, but that’s ok!

We managed 14 signups to the mailing list over the course of the experiment — 6 less than the hypothesis. However, what is perhaps more surprising is that out of those 14, only one was generated by the embedded signup forms present in all of our articles.

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What I have learned from this experiment

Two things I learnt from this experiment:

Placement is important

Signup forms don’t seem to work at the bottom of the article. This may be because people are less likely to see it (they have either already bailed or know it’s the end of the article so stop scrolling).

Draw attention

Another thing I noticed is the Upscribe embedded form does not particularly stand out. It sort of just blends in with the page so people’s attention is unlikely to be drawn to it. Adding a border or background colour could help here.

Action items

What now?

  • Place the signup forms to the middle of the article (20 mins).
  • Redesign the signup form to make it standout in the page (20 mins). Update: I won’t be carrying this action at this stage as it will involve moving to a paid Upscribe plan.



Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow

Founder and CTO of @ubisend. Creator of @getjukebot. Father and Husband. Big sport and technology enthusiast.