ZTG003 β€” Increase Twitter Followers

Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2018

Experiment name

ZTG003 β€” Increase Twitter Followers


Increase my total Twitter followers by tweeting four programming -related hot tips πŸ”₯ per week. Hot tips will be in a similar format to below:

Follow me on Twitter


The theory is that posting tweets that people find helpful and engaging will make them more likely to share and follow as they will feel confident that the content I put out there will be useful.

I predict that I will add 50 new Twitter followers over the course of 28 days.

Experiment Design

  1. Devise a list of helpful tweets.
  2. Take engaging screenshots of the code.
  3. Compose tweets to go with the code and define a posting schedule.
  4. Make lots of use of the πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ emoji.
  5. Post tweets.
  6. Measure engagement.

Resource Estimation and Probability

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Joe Dixon
From Zero to Grow

Founder and CTO of @ubisend. Creator of @getjukebot. Father and Husband. Big sport and technology enthusiast.