Using Git in Windows


Git History

Git was created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds and the Linux development community to replace the commercial service of distributed revision control by BitMover. It is now maintained by Junio Hamano and Git is is free and open-source software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

Design Goals

Here are a few goals achieved by the design of Git:

  • Strong support for non-linear development
  • Distributed development
  • Compatibility with existent systems and protocols
  • Efficient handling of large projects
  • Cryptographic authentication of history
  • Toolkit-based design
  • Pluggable merge strategies
  • Garbage accumulates until collected
  • Periodic explicit object packing

Step by Step Guide

1. Git and GitHub

We use Github for revision control. To begin with, create an Account in Github, download and install the git program in your Windows.

Git Program:

2. Create Private Repository…

