A good place to start. About ‘ from dad.’

Christopher Marks
From Dad
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2018
Lucas, this is not me. This is just a nice picture, which I think represents the journey I started. Love dad.

It’s me, your dad. At time of writing this, you are just over 100 days old. You’re a smiley little fellow… And you’re giving mum and I the time of our lives.

Now you’ve been in my life for some time now, and I can honestly say you have been the biggest change in my life so far.

While you’re busy trying to put (literally) anything in your mouth, avoiding sleep and filling your diapers. I’m confronted with all kinds of challenges. I’m trying to figure out this whole parenting thing, setting-up a new business, doing chores, trying to keep my physical and mental health in shape all whilst giving enough attention and love to your mum, our family and my friends..

You’re giving me a lot to think about. When you were born, you completely changed the way I view the world. All of a sudden, my life wasn’t about me and your mum anymore. It turned into thinking about legacy and the future.

Before we know it. You’ll turn 18 years old. By that time, I’ll be an old fart. (I’ll be 46) So instead of me preaching life lessons while we drink our first drop of Scotch together. At a point where I lost all my hair and bought my midlife (electric?) Harley — I thought to do it a bit different. I thought to document my life-learnings along the way. There are quite some lessons I’ve collected so far and have this urge of centralising them, so I can share them with you when the time is right.

Sharing thoughts, life-lessons, mistakes, things I think are important for you to know — but which you’ll only understand when you grow up a bit.

So that’s what this is all about. It’ll be a collection of stories, thoughts, learnings and perhaps a bit of philosophy from dad.

I opened up this blog so others can comment and make these lessons even better. Adding stories, experiences examples or anecdotes. After all, I’m just one brain in an universe. By opening up, we use the collective mind of the web to improve these lessons and (possibly) help someone else along the way.

In any case, I really hope in the future we tought you to speak English and Medium is still around.

Let’s get it started. Love you loads.



Christopher Marks
From Dad

Author. Thinker & entrepreneur. I publish lessons learned for my son on my blog: From dad. Feel free to add to them and make them better.