UX Quotes from Front 2016

Some of the best things said at the second annual Front Conference at the historic Union Pacific Railroad Depot in Salt Lake City.

Bryant Hodson
Front Utah
4 min readMay 15, 2016


“Treat your organization like a real life user experience problem. Design everything.” — Cap Watkins, VP of Design at Buzzfeed

One of greatest motivators managers can offer designers is the on-going opportunity to learn.” — Bob Baxley, Head of Product Design at Pinterest

“Start with a problem = iteration. Start with a job = innovation” — Sian Townsend, Director of Research at Intercom

Walking in the shoes of someone else is going to be a lot easier if you take your shoes off first.” — Stephan Walger, User Experience Analyst at Vivint

“It is easier to read a book than to write one, and [writing one] is what we are trying to do when we are doing user research.” — Stephan Walger, User Experience Analyst at Vivint

“People dont want a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter inch hole.” — Theodore Levitt

“An idea can be coasting along. It’s only after another idea comes along and hits it that it reaches escape velocity.” — Josh Teague, Lead Designer at Fullstory

“…culture is so important so you can continually evolve the what.” — Bruce Johnson, COO at Fullstory

First you jump off the cliff and you build your wings on the way down.” — Ray Bradbury

“What I think people are going to be doing is not what they are going to be doing, but that doesn’t mean that we havent provided some benefit.” — Shaun Moon, Senior Product Manager at Experticity

“Story is not just the foundation of communication and work, it is the foundation of purpose.” — Keenan Cummings, Design Lead and Design Manager at Airbnb

“Story is the way we interface with reality.” — Keenan Cummings, Design Lead and Design Manager at Airbnb

“What customers tell you they want or tell you what they are going to do is often not what they will do, sometimes the complete opposite when put in the real situation with the real product.” — David Oldham, Co-founder and COO of Outro

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Knowing you suck sometimes is a good thing because it means you’ve learned enough to know you’re not perfect.” — Garth Braithwaite, CSS and Javascript Expert at Adobe

“The carrot and the stick doesn’t do anything to help someone be more creative.” — Garth Braithwaite, CSS and Javascript Expert at Adobe

“Do design reviews with people who you trust and who will be honest with you, not necessarily those you always get along with.” — Garth Braithwaite, CSS and Javascript Expert at Adobe

“That’s the real lesson of where good ideas come from: that chance favors the connected mind.” — Steven Johnson

“We have a tendency in organizations to solve every problem the way we solved the previous problem.” — Chris Willis, VP of User Experience Design at Domo

“Don’t think that you need a specific role or title. Design leadership should happen at all levels in all different ways.” — Chris Willis, VP of User Experience Design at Domo

“If you want to do it right, you do it all.” — Chris Willis, VP of User Experience Design at Domo

You can follow me on Twitter @BryantHodson and see my work at be.net/bryanthodson.



Bryant Hodson
Front Utah

More than just a pixel-pusher, but, I admit, they can be fun to push. Designing UX, Pixel Art, Films, and Books. Interested in the future, inspired by the past.