Guards Execution Order in Angular

Nasreddine Skandrani
Front-End Tricks — TheBlog
2 min readJul 19, 2020

This article lists [visual & simplified] content to help you learn and also remember guards execution order in Angular.

Click here -> ONLINE DEMO <- if you want to try things listed below and more by yourself.

Basic route structure we are working with for the scenarios 1 and 2.

Scenario 01

Navigate to route ‘pageV’ when all guards return True.


[Tip 1]

If any guard returns false, navigation is cancelled. If any guard returns a UrlTree, current navigation is cancelled and a new navigation (redirect) starts to the UrlTree returned from the guard.

[Tip 2]

Notice the runGuardsAndResolers that can have other values and alter how the guards and resolvers execution is done on each routing. Official documentation HERE.

[Tip 3]

Resolverof parent route run after canActivate(parent), canActivateChild (parent) and canActivate(child route) .

Scenario 02

Navigate to route ‘pageV’ when CanActivateAguard return False.


[Tip 4]

All guards CanActivate run from the parent route even if the first one will eventually fail and any later guards of course won’t run.

~ ~ ~

Basic route structure we are working with for the scenario 3.

Scenario 03

Navigate to route ‘lazy’ when all guards return True.

Lazy loading => CanLoadvs CanActivate

Output: both execute

[Tip 5]

Good answer here to know where to use one or the other depending of your final wish.

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