Basics to immerse you in Javascript.

Ritesh Kumar
Frontend Weekly
Published in
12 min readAug 5, 2018

Introduction to JavaScript (JS)

JavaScript is an extremely powerful client-side scripting dialect. JavaScript is utilized for the most part to enhance the connection of a client with the page. As such, you can make your website page all the more vivacious and intuitive, with the assistance of JavaScript. JavaScript is additionally being utilized broadly in game development and Mobile application development.


JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995, which appeared in Netscape, a popular browser of that time.

Brendan Eich, official Mozilla Foundation photograph, August 21, 2012

The dialect was at first called LiveScript and was later renamed JavaScript. There are numerous developers who feel that JavaScript and Java are the same. Truth be told, JavaScript and Java are particularly inconsequential. Java is an extremely complex programming dialect while JavaScript is just a scripting dialect. The sentence structure of JavaScript is for the most part affected by the programming dialect C.

JavaScript is famous for being the world’s most misjudged programming dialect. It is regularly criticized similar to a toy, however underneath its layer of misleading straightforwardness, capable dialect highlights anticipate. JavaScript is presently utilized by a staggering number of prominent applications, demonstrating that more profound information of this innovation is an imperative aptitude for any web or versatile designer.

Not at all like most programming dialects, the JavaScript dialect has no understanding of input or output. It is intended to keep running as a scripting dialect in a host domain, and it is up to the host condition to furnish systems for speaking with the outside world. The most well-known host condition is the browser, yet JavaScript interpreters can likewise be found in a colossal rundown of different spots.

Essentials to Run JavaScript.

Being a scripting dialect, JavaScript can’t keep running all alone. Actually, the browser is in charge of running JavaScript code. At the point when a client demands a HTML page with JavaScript in it, the script is sent to the browser and it is up to the browser to execute it. The primary preferred standpoint of JavaScript is that all current web browser bolster JavaScript. Thus, you don’t need to stress whether your webpage visitor uses Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox or any other browser, JavaScript will be bolstered.

Tools required

To begin with, you require a content manager to compose your code and a browser to show the website pages you create. You can utilize word processor of your decision including Notepad++, Sublime text (my favourite) or whatever other text editor you are alright with. You can utilize any web browser including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox and so on.

First JavaScript code

Now you can write the following code in any text editor mentioned before and save it as .html file. Once saved, open that file with any browser and click the button which will show the current date and time.

Hola! you succeeded in writing your first HTML and JavaScript code.

Why Study JavaScript?

JavaScript is one of the 3 dialects all web designers must learn:

1. HTML to characterize the content of web pages

2. CSS to determine the design of web pages

3. JavaScript to program the conduct of web pages

When You’re a beginner, it’s difficult to see the contrast between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — they may simply appear like popular expressions whirling around. However, to an accomplished engineer, unmistakably the dialect that gives designers control and energy to assemble complex frontend web applications is JavaScript. As per Glassdoor,

the U.S average for Frontend Developers in 2014 is $74,426, with the average in San Francisco and New York at

$90,205 and $78,393 individually.

So, just take the shield of javascript and move ahead in life and fulfil your dream of creating something cool!

Getting Stuff Going

There’s a couple approaches to experiment with JavaScript, and when taking in it’s best to give them a shot to perceive what works for you. However, in the first place, how does JavaScript identify with HTML and CSS?

HTML, CSS and JavaScript

For the most part, JavaScript keeps running in your web browser nearby HTML and CSS, and can be added to any page utilizing a script tag. The script component can either contain JavaScript straightforwardly (inside) or connection to an outer asset by means of a src characteristic (outside).

A browser then runs JavaScript line-by-line, beginning at the highest point of the record or script component and completing at the base (unless you instruct it to go somewhere else).


You can simply put the JavaScript inside a script component:


An outside JavaScript asset is a content record with a .js extension, much the same as an outer CSS asset with a .css extension.

To add a JavaScript document to your page, you simply need to utilize a script tag with a src attribute indicating the record. Along these lines, if your document was called script.js and sat in an indistinguishable registry from your HTML record, your script component would resemble this:


The last way is awesome for getting moment criticism, and it’s recommend if you just want to try a line out quickly.

In a cutting edge browser you’ll discover some developer tools — often you can right tap on a page, then click “inspect element” to bring them up. Discover the console and you’ll have the capacity to type JavaScript, hit enter and have it run promptly.

Seek the internet on the off chance that you can’t discover your dev tools or console — they’re changing in browsers constantly.

How about we go!

To begin, the most ideal way is the internal method. You can change the contents of the script component and refresh the page simply like you’re used to — fast and simple.

In this instructional exercise, the learning rate is your decision. Everything is dependent upon you.

On the off chance that you are battling, take a break, or reread the material.

Continuously ensure you understand all the examples.

Presently it’s an ideal opportunity to take in some JavaScript.

Good luck!

Variables and Data

Storing information so we can utilize it later is a standout amongst the most critical things when writing code. Luckily, JavaScript can do this! In the event that it wouldn’t, it’d be able to be pretty darn useless.

So let’s ask the client (that’s you) for their name.

Now, i assume you’ve bounced into a browser and are writing into its’ console.

For opening console in Chrome, right click on any new tab main area and select inspect.

Select console tab to write / test your javascript programs.

write the above shown code into your browser console and press enter.

The result of running the above code is shown in the following page.

A little box will fly up, asking (politely on the off chance that I may state) for your name. Write your name in and hit ‘OK’.

The name you entered is saved, and it can be referred to as name. You can get what you entered pull out again by writing name into the console. You ought to see your name showing up back to you underneath! Energizing!

You’ve just created a variable.


Think, maybe, of a variable as a rack with a name so it’s easy to return to. You’ve named a rack ‘name’.

You can name a variable anything you like, however it’s best to name it in a way that tells what you’ve put away there. For instance, ‘name’ is superior to ‘mything’ or ‘xyz’.

When you write a variable name into the console you are asking the browser, which cares for the racks, to go get the rack and give what’s on it to you. This is otherwise called the variable’s value. The value can be practically anything — in name, you’ve put away a few letters, known as a string. You can likewise store numbers and a bunch different sorts of information.

In this way, a variable has a name and a value.

They are the way we store information, and you’ll be utilizing them a ton.

There are two parts to creating a variable; declaration and initialization. Once it’s created, you can assign (or set) its value.


Declaration is announcing a variable to exist. To come back to the rack metaphor, it resembles picking an unfilled rack in a huge distribution center and putting a name on it.

As above, to declare a variable, utilize the var keyword taken after by the variable name, this way:

Notice those semicolons (“;”)? Almost every line in JavaScript ends in a semicolon — you’ll be using them a lot.


Initialization is giving a variable its value for the first time. The value can change later, however it is just initialized once.

You initialize a variable utilizing the equivalents sign (=). You can read it as “the estimation of the variable on the left ought to be the information on the right”:

“Tom” is a string — a collection of letters. A string is surrounded by single or double quote marks.

20 is just a number — and numbers don’t go in quotes.


As specified, you can set a variable’s value the same number of times as you like. It’s called assignment and it looks fundamentally the same as initialization. You again utilize the equivalents sign, yet there’s no requirement for the var keyword since we’ve effectively declared the variable.

It resembles this:

Just do this on the off chance that you’ve announced the variable utilizing the var keyword!

Maths of JavaScript

Variables can be utilized to store strings and numbers (in addition to other things), however here the emphasis is on numbers.

How Much Soft Drinks?

In your comfort, we should make two variables. One will be the quantity of Frooti we have, the second will be the quantity of Mirinda.

That makes two variables… yet there’s just a single var keyword? Correct, it’s a shorthand for declaring and initializing numerous variables at the same time. By utilizing the var keyword once and isolating the new variables with commas you can spare yourself some work.

Presently, utilize these two factors to make sense of what number of soft drink product there are altogether.

So that is new.

You’re requesting that the browser work out the total on the privilege before appointing the outcome to totalSoftDrink — and you’re not adding the variable names, you’re adding the values of the variables. The browser realizes that, when it sees a variable like this, you need to accomplish something with the value. So it goes and gets every variable’s value before doing the sum.

The sum is called totalSoftDrink, not bits of product. This is because that variable names can’t contain spaces! There’s an arrangement of guidelines some place about what you can and can’t utilize, however for the time being simply use letters without any spaces for variable names.


A truly imperative piece of writing computer programs is having the capacity to compare values in order to make decisions in code. At the point when a comparison is made the result is either true or false; a special kind an of information called a boolean. This is logic.

Like while doing math, there’s a set of operators that work on booleans. They are used to compare two values, on the left and right of the operator, to create a boolean value.

The accompanying comparisons are made in the console. The outcome we get from each line (appeared underneath) will be true or false; these are booleans.



Logic is utilized to settle on choices in code; running some piece of code over another based on comparisons made. This requires utilization of something many refer to as a Conditional. There are a couple of various conditionals that you might need to utilize, however we’ll simply center the one utilized most generally: if.


It’s extremely straightforward: if some logic (the condition) is valid, run a piece of code. You can likewise supply more code to be run if the condition is not valid, and supply extra conditions and pieces of code to alternatively be run. These structures are called if-else, as you’ll see beneath.

The most straightforward if explanation looks something like

The code between the supports — “{“ and “}” — is known as a block, and this one is connected to the if statement. It’s just run if the logic (between the parenthesis) is true.

Variable testNumber stores value 10 which is in fact more than 5, so the code in the block would run.

Note: The line beginning “//”? The twofold cuts demonstrate remark, which implies that everything after the slices until the point that the finish of the line is overlooked by the browser.


The if-else type of an if explanation is utilized to run an option bit of code if the conditional is not true. The code in the if block will be disregarded, for instance — just the code in the else block will be run.

Another advanced else–if example where there are more than 2 cases to handle:


Loops are a method for repeating a similar piece of code again and again. They’re extraordinarily helpful, and are utilized, for instance, to do an activity on each thing in a cluster (we will come to exhibits later) or in searching.

Two of the most widely recognized loops are while loops and for loops. They join a restrictive and a piece, running the loop again and again until the point that the logic of the conditional is never again true, or until the point when you compel them to stop.


A while loop rehashes a piece of code till a condition is valid. Like an if statement, the condition is found in parentheses.

Try writing the below code in your browser console to get a feel of WHILE loop.

In the wake of looping has completed the code carries on pursuing from simply the closing brace (“}”) of the loop’s code.


A for loop is like an if statement, however it joins three semicolon-isolated pieces data between the enclosures: initialization, condition and a last expression.

The initialization part is for making a variable to give you a chance to track how far through the loop you are — like num in the while case; the condition is the place the looping logic goes — the same as the condition in the while illustration; and the last expression is kept running toward the finish of each loop.

for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {



This gives us caution boxes containing the numbers 1 to 10 all together.

Incidentally, i++ is comparable to i = i + 1.

I am speaking to you please start giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Officially, you are a JavaScript developer now :-)



Ritesh Kumar
Frontend Weekly

SMTS Frontend @ Nutanix | MBA Product Mgmt. | IIT Grad(B.Tech) | 1 U.S Patent