Custom Web And Mobile App Development — Why Does Your Business Need It?

Digital Presence Is The Life Breath For Businesses Today

Orion eSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
Frontend Weekly
5 min readJun 10, 2024


Most purchases happen only after online searches even if customers make an in-store purchase.

Custom Web And Mobile App Development
  • Statistics show that 69% of internet users will make an online search before a purchase.
  • Users spend 2 hours daily on various apps
  • And, imagine the reach that you miss out on when you are not digitally visible to the 5.15 billion plus mobile users globally.

Custom App Development offers customised solutions that cater to the specific needs of customers. Moreover, it enhances brand visibility, and connects with customers and you can use the latest technologies to create differentiating apps that help you stand out from your competitors.

Enhance Your RoI With Custom App Development

Businesses realise and acknowledge the importance of customised apps to help them thrive in these dynamic times. Furthermore, Custom application development means your apps should run on every platform and device.

Many businesses have benefitted from the perks of higher ROI, better customer connection, brand visibility, and greater market penetration with the launch of customised apps.

A custom web and/or mobile application can connect with customers and service all their requirements seamlessly. It has become a core strategic process. However, the key here is to build an app that stands out from the rest. Businesses can’t go and just have an app for the sake of it.

It requires high-end customisation, exciting features, a robust customer communication framework, and best security practices and has to be regularly updated and scalable. Probably then, businesses will be able to take advantage of it.

Numbers Depict The Rising Popularity Of Web And Mobile Customised Apps

Currently, as per the Internet Live Stats there are almost 2 billion websites. Websites are frequented to gather information and to search for the best possible match to their need.

As a matter of fact 73% users claim to trusts the company website over any other source.

However, 42% consumers claim that they would abandon a website with poor functionality.

In fact, 88.5% visitors leave due to poor loading times.

Additionally, 50% of users strongly believe that organisations should focus on building well designed websites.

Mobile Apps recorded 3.8 trillion hours of visits in 2021

The Apple App Store houses more than 4.75 million apps. Similarly, Google PlayStore houses more than 2.9 million apps.

73% of Millennials shop through their mobile apps up tofour times weekly.

The digital world of the web and mobile is rapidly changing. Hopefully, these statistics will give you insights on the current trends. Furthermore, these numbers can help guide you to take the correct steps while developing your customised apps. The app should surpass customer expectations.

Things To Consider Before Launching A Customised App

Firstly, question how the app can help grow your business. What goals are you trying to meet with the customised app? Secondly, will the app promote your products or services to your target audience? Basically, what would be the most frequented platform for your target audience? You also need to be completely in tune with your product strengths and weaknesses and leverage the USP. Lastly, will you or your app developer employ the best-in-class practices to ensure the safety and security of data?

Undeniably, once you clearly define your goals and assess your resources, will you be able to develop an app that is specific to your target audience. Therefore, once you weigh in all your options would you be able to realise the potential that it can offer?

Benefits Of Customised App Mobile And Web App Development

Enhances Customer UX

A customized app made to fit your target clients’ requirements perfectly can do wonders for your business. It can take away the footfalls and bring in the conversions. The features and functionalities will suit the niche that you want to draw in. Customer satisfaction leads to loyalty. Hence, with a customized app, you can surely boost your customer connections and profit margins.

Innovation And Visibility

Offering bespoke Web Applications to customers makes you stand inches taller than your competitors. Undoubtedly, it makes top of the mind brand recall easier. Moreover, the better your app is technologically and functionally, the more used it will be. Furthermore, customisation allows you to incorporate technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality that help you stand out.

Moreover, as the current business environment thrives on dynamism and innovation, customers too are keen to explore more with the app. consequentially, customer engagement gets better making your brand more popular.

Undeniably, a customised app allows your business to be busy always. Your business never sleeps! Users can access anytime, from anywhere at their convenience.

On Demand Scalability

You can save money and resources when you build customised apps. The developers can design them to be flexible so they can be upgraded and scaled up as per the demand. Therefore, when your business expands, your app can easily expand too at no undue additional costs.

Best Safety Practices

Undeniably, customised apps offer enhance security layers over off the shelf apps. Moreover, companies can opt for on premise or cloud solutions. After all cyber risks are a great threat. Additionally, customised apps can build in accessibility layers ensuring more privacy and security for customers and business.

Optimised Productivity

Organisations can expect a smoother work flow with an app tailor made for them and their customers. Since multiple functions can be assimilated, it brings in greater coordination and collaboration. Cross team working becomes smoother. Furthermore, data automation allows for better analysis and decision-making.

Wrapping Up

To summarise, the on-demand app market is growing at a tremendous pace. Customers seek out novelty along with functionality. Hence seeking a long-term partnership with a reputed Mobile App Development company is one of the best business strategies that an organisation can make. There are many factors to be considered before building an app. Moreover, the team should be well-versed with all the latest technologies to deliver intuitive and intelligent apps.

Orion is extremely passionate about helping companies achieve their business goals using technology. Our custom web and mobile app development can take your customer experience to new levels.




Orion eSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
Frontend Weekly

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